How To Re-Set Your Expectations, Achieve Goals, & Feel Good Doing It


I want to share a tip for intentions that I've paid particular attention to this past year...

***Re-setting expectations***

Now, this certainly applies to life in general, but if you're a fan of mid-year reflections or intention setting, checking in with expectations is a non-negotiable for nurturing your well-being.

One of the best ways to adopt a more mindful expectation setting practice is to name what your expectation is (even in your mind) & simply lower the expectation to a thought that feels good to your nervous system.

I'll share some examples:

Example 1.

First Expectation- "I will fit into all of the clothes that don't currently fit in the back of my closet.

"Re-set Expectation- "I will move the clothes that fit the most comfortably to the front of my closet."

Example 2.

First Expectation- "I will stop eating food with added sugar.

"Re-set Expectation- "I will eat dessert that I enjoy more mindfully."

Example 3.

First Expectation- “I will exercise 5x per week.”

Re-set Expectation- "I will aim to move my body 2x this week in ways that feel good."

Example 4.

First Expectation- “I will refuse to engage in talk around food or body image.”

Re-set Expectation- "I will be curious about food & body conversations, how they make me feel & what I need at that moment."

Example 5.

First Expectation- “I will read one new book each month.”

Re-set Expectation- "I will leave a book by my bed and read a few pages each night."


Re-setting expectations does not mean lowering your standards or sacrificing success.

This process is all about setting yourself UP for long-term, sustainable success in ways that FEEL good for you...getting away from those pesky patriarchal "shoulds", and luxuriating in the "wants" of the life that you're building.

Side note before I wrap this up- mindful expectation setting applies to what we set for ourselves AND the expectations that we have of others.

It is a powerful tool for creating fulfilling personal + professional relationships.

Alright alright- sending you loads of love, patience + gratitude for the week ahead!!!

P.S. Expectation unraveling + re-setting is a significant part of the healing process when it comes to our relationship with food + body image. It also happens to be one of my superpowers when supporting clients in their success ;) If you're ready to level up this part of your life, click this link to book a complimentary consult to explore 1:1 coaching.


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