How To Navigate Food & Body Comments In Social Gatherings


Summer is a time where many of us will be surrounded by social gatherings that have the potential of creating awkward conversations.

I want to share a reminder…

If it's not your body, it's not your business.

I don't have to spell this out for you. We've all bristled at the comments. And most of us have said them ourselves (I sure have).

“You look so great- have you lost weight?”

“Did you see X celebrity?? They've really let themselves go.”

“You're so tiny!”

“You always have such good willpower.”

“Have you thought about trying the X app or cutting out X?”

Here's the problem with this type of banter that's become so harmfully normalized by way of diet culture:

When we talk about another persons body, we never have the FULL picture. Full stop- we just don't.

We have no idea what that person might be going through physically, mentally, emotionally, medically…not matter how close you are to them.

I realize that might be hard to hear & I'm SURE that most peoples intentions around body topics are innocent & well-intended…

But food + body talk slowly erodes safety + trust among relationships…the opposite of what most of us are striving for when we participate in these type of conversations- which is so backwards isn't it?

Consider this- have you ever been in a situation where you're wondering/waiting for someone to make a comment on your body…feeling like a failure if the compliment doesn't come…preoccupying your thoughts with made up stories about what people are saying behind closed doors?

Can I please have a conversation with anyone who is NOT raising their hand???

This talk is toxic, insidious & a slippery slope.

If you're DONE with it, one of the most empowering things that you can do is not engage in the conversation- change the subject, leave the room, speak up & set a boundary or ask to change the subject.

This is your right- this your LIFE. And it's SO MUCH MORE FABULOUS than the latest weight loss story or food revolution some bogus medical influencer is spreading on social.

Here's to an empowering summer season. So much love to you!!!

P.S. If you're looking for even more support around the best ways to set boundaries this season, check out Episode 92 of the Body Truth podcast. In less than 30 minutes you'll have a new set of boundary tools.


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