The Truth About Owning Your Authenticity (And How To Get Started!)

When I started my coaching business about 5 years ago, I got an email response back from one of my newsletters letting me know that “cursing wasn't professional”. (I'd dropped a version of the f-bomb).


Instead of deciding my truth in that moment, I chose to play safe in my people-pleasing & outsource what I “should” do.

From that moment forward, no more cursing in my marketing.

Not in emails or social media podcasts, FB groups, website- NOTHING.

In reality, I don't have a problem with cursing. I express myself this way pretty regularly in my relationships (personal & business).

If you were to spy on a client coaching session, you'd most likely hear a very “colorful” conversation ;)

As you might guess- I stated feeling “off” & out of alignment in my business.

And I was TIRED.

Physically. Mentally. Emotionally.

I was so exhausted from editing all of these versions of myself trying to make other people happy, or not piss anyone off…which really meant trying to avoid the uncomfortable emotions I might face.

Here's what I've learned in my RE-decision around authenticity:

  • People will be pissed off AND people will feel seen + inspired.

  • People will hate you- get jealous- get triggered AND people will love you- support you- cheer you on.

  • People will unfollow AND people will tell their friends to follow you.

  • People won't get you AND people will say things like “it's like you're in my brain!”.

  • People won't notice AND people will pay close attention.

Authenticity is a BOTH/AND equation.

But your truth is not about the critics or spectators.

Your truth is your birthright. It's an extension of the most important relationship you have in your life- yourself.

Since re-deciding this truth (and practicing often!), I feel more confident and filled-up about my life than ever before.

Doesn't mean I don't hit bumps or have “off” days or feel insecure at times.

It DOES mean that in those moments I pull out two of my favorite authenticity tools:

1. Self-Compassion.

2. Curiosity.

Re-deciding has given me permission to face + feel my human emotions front and center, rather than sweeping them under a rug, or numbing.

If stepping into this level of unapologetic, mindful living is possible for me, this is 10000000000000000bajilliongazillion% possible for you.

I see you and am sending overflows of courage your way today.

P.S. Re-deciding is a core theme within my coaching. If you're ready to feel consistently comfortable in your skin so that you can step into even MORE creative genius, leadership, and authenticity, click this link to apply for a consult to discuss working together.

This container is customized for YOUR lifestyle in order to create sustainable results. No more food, body, or second-guessing thoughts taking up unwanted space in your brilliant mind. If you're serious about leveling up, let's go!


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