The Only Beauty Secret You’ll Ever Need (Save for later!)

Authentic expression is something that I work towards (imperfectly of course) every day!! It’s not only one of my greatest hopes for this community…it's my greatest hope for the WORLD.

And in my opinion, the BEST way to become more beautiful (one that doesn't cost a dime too!) is to own your unique authenticity and BE YOURSELF.

I want to encourage you to pause for a moment and think about someone who exemplifies unapologetic self-expression.

It's SO sexy right??

You know this. You've seen those people who are so fiercely embodied no matter what they look like on the outside.

Jealousy aside, they are gorgeous right? They have something that's indescribable.

It's because they know at their core that the opinions of others don't matter- it won't kill their vibe for living life fully and loving themselves.

These people have decided that they are (more than!) enough. They don't need others to validate their goodness, worthiness, or value in this world.

This type of grounded embodiment surpasses all aesthetics & abilities.

The interesting part about embodiment & authentic beauty is that when you value yourself at this level, you naturally WANT to care for yourself!

Trash the traditional corporate + cultural standards of beauty that keep us playing small.

When you decide to stop buying into the “beauty myth” and re-define what beauty means to you, there are endless possibilities and SO MUCH MORE JOY.

Your relationship with food, style, “self-care” rituals- they all level up because these transform from “should's” into WANTS.

Imposter syndrome. A disordered relationship with food, body image, and ourselves. Theses are symptoms of a deep desire for self-worth.

But by developing a skillset of choosing YOURSELF first, there's no doubt you'll grow into this level of rich authenticity.

P.S. If you're ready to feel consistently comfortable in your skin so that you can step into even MORE creative genius, leadership, and authenticity, click this link to apply for a consult to discuss working together.

This container is customized for YOUR lifestyle in order to create sustainable results. No more second-guessing thoughts taking up unwanted space in your brilliant mind. If you're serious about leveling up or brining dreas to life, let's go!


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