How I’m Deciding To Prioritize Space In Business For Greater Leadership & Creativity

Hi friend- I want to bring you behind the scenes of a business decision I'm making right now...

You might have heard me mention my intention for creating space to re-evaluate my life & business this Summer (if you haven't- now you know!).

This process has been incredibly expansive so far- I've received so much clarity, begun making small changes, and the inspiration just keeps rolling in.

I want to share the specifics with you soon, but for now, I hope that you'll support my process and trust that what is coming is in the best service of YOU.

As I went to put together the email for this week, I had a gut feeling surface that's been buzzing around my intuition for weeks:

To pause the blog for the month of August.

It feels edgy & expansive, but most importantly it feels *right*.

So I've decided to listen to this inner wisdom and do just that- to hit pause on our Friday blog conversations from now until September 9th.

I plan on using this time to...

Think about HOW I want to show up and serve you in these posts going forward.

Evaluate what FEELS good in terms of our communication.

Take time to PLAY in my personal life (bike riding, beach trips, visiting my BFF in Europe, cooking, reading, resting, etc.).

Lean into SUPPORTING some new coaching clients I've recently onboarded.

And CREATING some incredible new offers.

Yum!!!!! This feels so good in my bones.

As business owners, creatives, or ambitious career people (I'm assuming you're one of the three!)- this type of rest can feel super uncomfortable.

But I'm learning through practice that more space = more creativity. greater leadership. JOY that's authentically infused in all areas of life.

I want to invite you to notice where you're at right now too:

Do things feel like they're on "autopilot" in your life or business?

If you could make a choice right now knowing that everything would be okay, what would it be? Time off? Taking up space? Producing more? Something else?

What is the "gut feeling" that's coming up for you most recently?

(I'd actually love to hear if you're open to sharing! Just hit 'reply' to this message.)

Okay! Let's do this- I will see you back at the beginning of September!

BIG Summer LOVE!

P.S. I'll still be hosting Discovery Calls through this month. If you're interested in exploring 1:1 coaching with me, be sure to grab a spot now while they are available! If you're ready to get clear on your goals (+ achieve them!) and create more joy + authenticity in your life or business, & have been resonating with my message, this call will help us determine whether working together would be a fit to bring your dreams to reality! No strings attached. Click this link to schedule.


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