Perfectionism in Disguise as “chill”? Here’s What to Look Out for

For most of my life, I never identified as a perfectionist. Ambitious YES. But perfectionist…(?)

I was the chilllll, go with the flow, roll out of bed and do anything for anyone “nice” girl.

I didn't care about a classically perfect appearance, A+ grades, or any of the other things I thought defined a perfectionist. I prided myself on marching to the beat of my own drum (still do!).

When I started digging in & doing the work to heal my relationship with food & my body I realized I was ACTUALLY healing my relationship with myself.

Talk about a lightbulb moment.

This meant starting to identify & unravel the more subtle limiting patterns of things like perfectionism, people-pleasing, disordered boundaries, emotional regulation, communication etc.

I realized that my own perfectionistic tendencies showed up in more subtle ways (overworking, doing everything on my own, sweeping emotions under the rug etc.)- all as personal bids for control & fear of sitting in discomfort.

It's been free + wildly liberating to name this & have a solution to move forward. It's given me a new level of self-awareness, and dare I say…self-love.

All tools that I get to build on for life and teach to my clients now.

I cannot even begin to describe the joy that I feel when witnessing someone share a breakthrough likeeee

  • Boldly saying 'no', instead of an accommodating yes.

  • Taking a relaxing break without overcompensating immediately afterward.

  • Asking for help without spiraling into “what if's”.

  • Eating a meal and moving on without worrying.

  • Showing up feeling preset and not preoccupied with body image.

  • Making decisions consistently + confidently without procrastinating.

Yes Yes. Yes. and YESSSSS.

I'm sure that this won't come as a shock to you, but healing our relationship with food & body actually has very little to do with….welp food and body.

If you're stuck in the struggle (or the on/off cycle…I know both very well), I want to invite you to ponder this: What is behind the struggle- even just one layer deeper?

Reflecting on this is courageous & requires a big dose of self-compassion. But damn, it's so valuable for change

Here's to a week of self-awareness & resetting to more nourishing expectations (one of my favorite perfectionism recovery tools!).

P.S. If you're ready to uncover your own patterns of perfectionism so that you can clear 'em out & create sustainable food/body image/life tools click this link to book a call this week to discuss 1:1 coaching.


Saved By the Bell, Beliefs, and Body Image


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