Saved By the Bell, Beliefs, and Body Image

When I was growing up, school wasn't really my thing.

The IDEA of school? Now that I was very into.

I loved pretending that I was a part of the Saved By The Bell gang with my locker + note passing in between classes…

Tossing my backpack on when the bell chimed & gossiping with friends at lunch as if I were in a movie montage (compassionately cringing as I write this BTW).

Actual schoolwork on the other hand never came as easily.

My test anxiety was crippling & stirred up all kinds of primal fear that felt deeply confusing.

Unconscious brain: “how can I survive in the world if I don't pass this test??”

Conscious solution: “get really good at everything else.”

I may have believed that I wasn't born naturally book smart, but something clicked with looks & personality…things I believed that I could control.

So I decided to hide behind my body. To make her as small & beautiful & non-offensive as possible.

And it seemed to work based on all of the praise & validation I received! So I took that reinforcement and kept on creating an identity that felt safe.

I learned to sweet talk.

And cry my way out of things.

I became great at performing, perfecting, and pleasing.

I was the “good girl” so people didn't have a choice but to pass me in class or give me opportunities.

From the outside, it looked pretty aspirational- like I had it all together.

The “success” came but with some pretty big price tags: eating disorders, never feeling enough, insecurity, anxiety, depression, loneliness, indecision…the opposite of what I wanted people to think.

It's taken what feels like a lifetime to overcome these struggles, but today I know my work when things get rocky- whether it's body insecurity, people pleasing, or something else.

Today in tough moments, I call in my NEW belief:

“I'm safe and worthy of showing up in this world because I'm ME.”

Not what someone else wants me to be. Or who I think I “should” be.

Feeling at peace in my body has meant healing the belief that my worth & survival is attached to my appearance.

Something that was never sold to me on a magazine cover (wouldn't that be cool though???).

It's been a complex, messy, & WILDLY FREEING + LIBERATING journey that is creating the “success” I'd always craved…moving beyond surviving, to authentically (imperfectly!) THRIVING.

If there's a belief or former identity blocking the person that you know in your bones you're meant to become, I see you! This is your permission to release what is no longer serving you and step INTO your truest self.


P.S. Reprogramming beliefs is ESSENTIAL to upgrading your relationship with food, body, & yourself. If you're ready to end the mind drama and live a happier + more authentic life, book a breakthrough call with me to talk about how we can make that happen through 1:1 coaching.


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