My 4-Step Method For Managing Change More Confidently
We’ve been moving around a ton of stuff in our house this past month.
Paul (my hubs) keeps saying "change is scary to everyone" because the pets are freaking out- they know something’s up.
The first time he said it I died laughing- it was actually the reminder that I needed along with our fur babies (in good company).
Change: not something that I’m historically the best with.
My mind starts to go into puzzle mode to self-protect.
The emotional uncertainty is often exhausting.
And I crave control (in the past this was in the form of food or physical appearance).
These emotional responses are also how I became a perfectionist! If everything was perfect, I could bypass all of the discomfort/possibility of unexpected change.
But tough pill to swallow: Change is inevitable- it's a part of being human...
friendships come & go
careers shift
babies are born
people get sick
our bodies grow older
we learn new things...
Healing my relationship with my body was all about becoming more comfortable with all areas of life.
If you also struggle with change, I wanted to share a powerful 4-step process to help soften the deer in the headlights, ugly crying, and anxious spirals:
1. Feel it. Where am I physically experiencing the emotion in my body? (fun fact- our emotions are called feelings because they show up physically in our body). Tight chest, throat closing up, butterflies in my belly, clenched jaw, etc.
2. Name it: Instead of quickly brushing the emotion under the rug, I acknowledge it. "I’m feeling..._________" (anxious, scared, sad, frustrated, angry et.)
3. Support it. What’s something simple that could immediately support my emotional need? Not what I "should" do - but what would feel the most nourishing (taking a break, calling a friend, watching a funny YouTube video, grabbing a cup of tea, journaling, etc.).
4. Reflect. Once you're in a slightly calmer state of mind, get curious about what triggered this particular reaction. Having this information is powerful for moving forward.
Especially with the amount of uncertainty we’re living in right now, change can trigger all kinds of unhealthy habits & make us feel really low/disempowered.
Feeling upset is not a bad thing. And it’s not an emotion that we have to rush out if either.
But building awareness of why this is happening (trigger), how it’s showing up (feeling), and what we need to support ourselves (self-care tool) is essential for moving forward on the path of nurturing a healthier relationship with ourselves (mind/body/food).
I like to think of this as my personal self-care toolkit (also one of my favorite things to help clients begin building).
And one more thing! Just THINK of all the incredible things to celebrate because of change!!
>>women having the right to vote
>>the ability to do business anywhere in the world
>>the lightbulb!
When we learn to work WITH change, instead of against it, and take care of ourselves, the possibilities of experiencing more joy + greater impact are limitless.
Alright, how's this settling with you? If you're vibing with this message and know in your heart that this is your moment to embrace change and begin healing your relationship with food + body image, so that you can feel more confident, authentic, and comfortable in your skin I'm popping champagne happy dancing for YOU.
Be sure to download my free Body Acceptance Starter Kit. I’ve included all of my favorite resources and ideas so that you’re well equipped!