Social Media Is the New Bathroom Scale: 5 Tips For Accepting Your Body Right Now

Whether or not you’re still weighing yourself on the regular, I know you’ve probably realized what a mind F it is, right?

And maybe you’ve joined the movement and tossed it all together.

Feels totally LIBERATING right?

Except we crave comparison. A way to measure how the rest of the world views us.

So instead of crossing your fingers for a number that feels right, you hold your breath and zoom in and out of any pictures that are posted.

Or scroll through your photostream from years ago, longing for your younger body. (Were you even happy with it then?…let this sink in)

I’m not going to pretend that I don’t catch myself doing this from time to time- it takes a lot of intention to not overanalyze the picture.

A quick story that I think you’ll be able to relate to…

Earlier this year I did a business photoshoot. It was the best day. We had so much fun laughing, being goofy, sharing from the heart, etc.

After the team and I wrapped the session, I was coming down from all of the emotions...and then I got an email with a link to 125 of the pictures we'd taken.

My breath caught in my chest.

I noticed myself immediately scanning for what I didn't like, instead of what I loved...criticizing how I should have stood differently, the shot where I pushed my stomach out, some weird way I darted my eyes.

But then I took a breath. A big belly breath. I remembered how I felt the entire day shooting these pictures.

The love that was pouring into the body acceptance message that I always share with you.

This overwhelming feeling of gratitude for how far I’ve come in my own journey with food + body...

And I started to see the joy in every single picture.

I want to share this story for a few reasons...

1. Body love is not an overnight process. it requires intention and support (so I’m glad you’re stickin’ with me ;)

2. You are so much more than just your body- how you feel inside is far more powerful.

3. If you’re feeling "confused" about how you really look on the outside- how people see you- especially with social media, lighting, filters etc.- strive to let it go.

4. A common theme that I've found with clients and my own journey- we tend to feel even more dissatisfied with the picture we see, when we're feeling confused/frustrated with our own relationship with's hard to think about much else with the lingering obsession.

5. Take 10 minutes today to go through your social media and unfollow or "mute" anyone that you know you're comparing yourself to regularly- friends, fashion bloggers, know what I'm talking about.

Believe me- I know this is a big mountain to climb, but you can absolutely get to the top.

Here's the thing- pictures are so incredibly powerful. They leave a legacy for your life and all of the special moments...the memories that you want to be able to hold onto forever- to share with your friends and family.

So if you're avoiding the camera until you reach your "body goal", or you literally cringe anytime you get a notification that you were tagged in a picture- that's something that I can help you with.

It's not an overnight process, but I promise it's a life-changing one.

If you’re looking for even more resources to support your body image journey, be sure to grab my free Body Acceptance Starter Kit!


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