Episode 96: The Truth About Detoxing SOLO EPISODE



Episode 96: The Truth About Detoxing (Solo Episode)

In this episode we sit down with....your host, Katelyn Parsons.

Katelyn Parsons is a Certified Intuitive Eating + Body Image Coach, Speaker, and host of the weekly podcast, Body Truth.

After years of struggling with bulimia and disordered eating, she not only found recovery but recognized a crucial missing link in the wellness industry- empowerment + individual sustainability around health. This inspired her entrepreneurial journey and life mission to shift the conversation toward healing our relationship with food and body. 

For the past 4 years, Katelyn has helped countless creative leaders transform their relationship with food and body image through an integrative, evidence-based process so that they can move through each day feeling more present, empowered, and comfortable in their skin, without worrying about what to eat.

You’ll also find Katelyn snuggled up with her cat or strolling the beach in sunny San Diego with her husband and their pup Winnie.

In this conversation we talk about:

  • The Body Love Society & their new app

  • Why doing resets & cleanses are actually harmful & not healthy

  • Ways that you can stop the restrict/binge cycle

Resources we mention in this episode…

Connect with me...

Ready to heal your relationship with food + body?

Book your FREE Body Trust Breakthrough Consult

Grab your FREE Intuitive Eating Workshop 

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Episode 96: The Truth About Detoxing SOLO EPISODE


Hello, welcome back to the show. I hope that you're having a fun, restful, restorative holiday season, even if it's just moments of any of those things that you are savoring. I am sending you so much love and gratitude for being in this community, sharing your time with me today. 

I have a quick training that I want to offer you around detoxification, and some possible new ideas around this to support any decisions that you might be making in the new year. I know that this is a time where so many of us are contemplating lifestyle changes, whether it is around food, our bodies, exercise, mental health, a lot of things. And I know that it is certainly not lost on us that diet culture has infiltrated these spaces in so many sneaky ways. And with the rise of wellness culture, detox has completely shifted. And it's become really confusing with a lot of different jargon and has snuck into a lot of spaces that really sabotage our power in making decisions for ourselves around our bodies, and food and all of these things. I could say a lot about this, but I want to keep it really quick and simple for the purposes of this conversation, because I know that you probably have a lot on your mind. 

Whether or not you are contemplating a detox, I wanted to just present some new information so that you can make a decision more powerfully for yourself. We're all about adding in, in this community rather than taking out and so I want to invite you to just add in some new ideas, some new thoughts around how you might be approaching a detox decision in the future, or supporting somebody who is making that decision for themselves. Because this is really a curious learning, educational space, and one that is always encouraging you to make choices for yourself in ways that feel really good and empowering. So that's my MO for anything that I share in this community. I hope that you know that. 

There's also one really exciting reason why I am sharing this particular mini training today. This is actually a repurposed training that I am doing with the new amazing app called the UnDiet Your Mind app. I cannot even begin to describe how excited I am for the launch of this new app- it actually launched at the beginning of December. It's by The Body Love Society. If you don't know The Body Love Society check them out. They have a fabulous Instagram, website, and podcast. The co-creator Jenna Free was on our podcast Body Truth, she was the guest on episode 84. It was a really powerful conversation. 

These women just do such incredible work in the anti-diet, intuitive eating space. And truthfully, I have been wanting something like this particular app to exist for such a long time. And I am just beyond grateful that they've finally created it. Someone has created this. And I can't believe they asked me to become an expert on the app alongside so many amazing anti-diet nutritionists, dietitians, therapists, fitness professionals, just really amazing people in this space. So it feels amazing to be contributing to this. And I cannot wait for you to explore this app on your own.

One of the reasons why I love this app so much is because it's a way from social media. And I've talked about this before, I certainly don't want to turn this particular episode into a conversation about social media. But social media is one of those areas that can be really tricky in our individual healing journey. There are so many amazing elements of it, and so many ways that we can use social media for good in a really mindful way that supports our personal well being. But it is completely infiltrated with diet culture messages, whether we want to see them or not. And just really flawed with a lot of different things that can feel particularly triggering at different stages of the healing journey. And so one of the reasons why this app is so incredible is because it doesn't come with any of that baggage. It is completely on its own- you don't have to worry about any weird diet messages popping up or advertisements, or anything that might feel triggering from a friend or family member who's on their own journey that just might be kind of interfering with yours. 

This is a really safe community where you can receive lessons, courses, and meditations. You have 100% access to this phenomenal community where you can build relationships with other individuals who are a part of the app. It's almost like a Facebook group, but in a really contained space. Teachings from non-diet experts. There's new content every single Monday. 

I mean, they are so gifted with creation, and just their attention to detail with how they've really laid this app out. And what's so cool is this just started and it's fabulous already. And normally, as you may or may not know when something new is launched, it goes through like a million different tweaks and edits and renditions. And, you know, businesses are all about growing and evolving and really fine tuning as it relates to what the customers are wanting. But this is already, like a 10 out of 10. In my opinion, it is such a fabulous app. 

So I wanted to share this with you as a resource for your own journey. Because if you are going at this on your own, it's a fabulous resource. If you are working with a coach, it's an amazing resource if you're already in a group, or working with a therapist or practitioner, or if you are at a place where you feel like you have gone through a healing process and have a really solid handle on your relationship with food or body image- there really are so many ways this app can work for you. It's super affordable. And it's just going to continue to evolve. 

The experts that are contributing to this are the top of this industry. And like I said before, I just feel incredibly grateful to be alongside them, contributing to this mission + message.And just sharing, educating, getting my own support in this community, loving on everybody in this community, it's just a good time. 

So if you're looking for a community like this, or if you feel like this is something that might be supportive for you in the future, it is here for you. I cannot wait for you to explore more. We'll link everything in our show notes to keep this super easy for you- the link to access the app. And you can use a little coupon code, they gave me this as just a contributor for the app that I couldn't wait to share with you all. It's just LOVEKATELYN. We'll link that in the show notes as well too. And that never expires. So even if you decide you want to sign up for the app later on, you can use that little coupon code, and get a couple bucks off. That's really it for now. I hope that you enjoy this mini training and get a taste of some of the ways that education is contributed on this app. And we'll be back next week with another incredible conversation on the Body Truth podcast.

I'm just sending you lots of love. And god I can't believe we're at the end of the year. This is just so wild and so many things to reflect on and lessons learned- so much gratitude. And I just want to send you a big hug and let you know how much I see you. How much I understand you. You are so worthy and deserving of wherever you are on your own healing journey. And I just want to encourage you to stay with this community as well, too. We love you. And we are so excited to partner with The Body Love Society for this new app and spread this level of healing all around in the future. All right. Here's the training. I'll talk to you later. Bye.


Hi there- I’m Katelyn Parsons. I’m a certified intuitive eating & body image coach. Today I want to share some support around cleanses, detoxes, resets or any kind of “healthy reboot”.

First things first, if you’re considering doing any of these things it’s likely because:

A.You think you “should”- based on feelings of guilt, shame, negative self-talk, comparison, body image etc. (perpetuated by the diet culture we live in)

B.You feel a biological response- as in your body is saying “I’m tired of eating cake”

Before diving into any of these “healthy eating reboots" you need to know what you’re getting yourself into & WHY

It’s a natural biological response to not want a certain food after eating too much of it. I’d be willing to bet you’d have the same feeling if you ate broccoli every day for 2 weeks straight.

Here are 4 important reasons why doing things like resets & cleanses are actually harmful & not healthy:

  1. Working against bodies natural biology. Our bodies are detoxing on a cellular level every moment of the day regardless of what we feed them- they’re designed to “reset” on their own.

  2. Nervous system is triggered. When we go against our biological needs & restrict food, we trigger our internal systems into a tremendous amount of physical, mental & emotional distress. In reality, your body is protecting you- it doesn't know the difference between intentional calorie restriction vs. an actual famine. 

  3. You become preoccupied with food + body thoughts. Patterns of food restriction (even in the name of health) create subconscious beliefs about our bodies + food choices, which often preoccupy our mind & lead to guilt, shame & comparison.

  4. Binging is more likely. Often times, binge eating is a result of restriction that we're placing on our bodies. This restriction can be physical (not eating enough food), mental (telling yourself that you can't have certain foods or eat at certain times), or emotional (moralizing foods into categories of “good & bad”). And each of these restrictions often show up in healthy eating resets. 

If you’ve ever experienced a period of eating super “clean” & then feeling out of control around food later whether it’s a cheat day or “off track” situation, this isn’t a lack of willpower. Eating chaotically or past comfort is a biological response to the restriction.

Some of the best ways that you can stop the restrict/binge cycle & feel more comfortable without a cleanse are: ADDING IN a wide variety of foods eating consistently through the day & eating intuitively vs. following food rules.

If you’re frustrated by hearing this, believe me I've been there. It took me years to finally stop “resetting” & make peace with food. And choosing to do so isn’t a quick fix by any stretch.

I want you to LIVE YOUR LIFE WITHOUT FOOD + BODY OBSESSION. This is your human right. 

I hope that you feel seen, heard, and supported by this information. Here’s to taking a big compassionate breath, and taking the next step in your food freedom journey.


Episode 97: Unpacking Binge Eating Recovery With Ali Bonar


Episode 95: Redefining Body Resilience With Jayne Mattingly