Trusting Your Hunger & Fullness


Do you feel like you're able to trust your hunger & fullness cues?

Up until about 3 years ago I sure couldn't. And I legit thought that my body was broken.

Extreme hunger? That out of control feeling of wanting to shovel everything in sight into my mouth as fast as possible (usually in secret)? Now THIS I was very familiar with.

That awful paralyzing sick full feeling? I experienced it almost every day.

But any sensation other than these extremes, I'd become a pro at ignoring, or convincing myself didn't exist.

From the time that I started my very first diet (or what I casually called my “healthy eating plan”), I'd outsourced my hunger.

Meal plans from magazines. Health books. Online eating calculators. Weight Watchers. Clean eating protocols. Vegan plans. Detoxes. 3-day challenges. Appetite suppressants. Tip's I'd picked up from friends & family. YOU NAME IT.

(Never calling any of this a diet BTW…even when I was 13 this word felt kind of “un-cool”).

When I got serious about healing my relationship with food + my body, I discovered (to my amazement!!!), that I was not broken.

My gradual hunger and fullness signals DID exist, & over time I COULD not only easily feel them…I could trust them.

Sometimes it still feels like an out-of-body experience when I feel my first nudge of hunger…And eat…A reasonable amount of food…In public…

Without having a million thoughts or intense emotions that follow!!! And stop when I'm comfortably full!! Or eat past fullness without freaking out and shame spiraling!!!!!


This is our human right, that diet culture has stolen from us (whether you call it a diet or not like me).

In Body Truth podcast episode 104 I teach how to begin making peace with hunger.

In the follow-up episode 106, I'm unpacking all of the questions + complexities around making peace with our fullness signals.

I hope that you walk away with answers + clear next steps for your own journey.

P.S. If you want food to finally feel easy (for good!), so that you have the mental space + tools to create a healthy, vibrant relationship with your body (AND YOUR LIFE!) click this link to book a consult to discuss 1:1 coaching. Let's go!!!


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