5 Ways To Heal Holiday Body Stress

Thanksgiving morning. When I was dieting it was like preparing for battle…

I’d spend the days (sometimes weeks) leading up to this event planning, plotting and strategizing my way to the actual meal.

Some years I’d restrict for days.

Others I’d over-exercise.

Then there was the dreaded combo of exercising and restricting, just to be (in my mind) totally "safe".

To be honest- most of the stress wasn’t even about the food…

I mean c’mon- I was a professional dieter- I could certainly handle one afternoon or at least "bounce back" the day after.

All of the stress/anxiety/guilt…those things…those were really related to the comments that I was anticipating and internalizing from the family and friends I’d see maybe once a year.

The inevitable "impression comment" that would pretty much determine my mood for the remainder of the gathering…

You know what I mean- I don’t have to spell this out…

The thin comments or skinny compliments- "what have you been doing?", "geez I wish I had your willpower"…

Or the worst kind of comment…nothing at all.

The shade of grey that allowed my mind to go a million different directions about the size of my body.

Look- this type of work is so deeply personal.

It does not heal overnight and if I’m being completely honest, it truly is something that you might have to check in with for a long long time- I know I still do.

But here are a few things that really helped me let go of the anticipated holiday body talk and just feel good in my own skin...

1. Do not weigh yourself. I meant it. If you’re still hopping on the scale all of the other days throughout the year, that’s a topic for another time. But if you’re taking a chance in allowing this number to dictate your mood for the rest of the event, I cannot encourage you enough to stop.

2. Wear something that makes you comfortable + confident. If you’re already feeling emotionally vulnerable walking into Thanksgiving, add something simple that has a "magic cape" effect. Maybe it’s your favorite earrings, a scarf or even a chic sweater + skirt combo- what’s going to make you feel instantly more confident?

3. Stop the photo checking. You know what I’m talking about (remember- I know you lol)…taking a picture and immediately checking it afterward to size up your body and see how you look, regardless of how many other people are in it. Stay in the moment- snap pictures to savor the memories and then take a look at them the next day or so, when you’re in a more stable place emotionally.

4. Take a deep belly breath (use this technique). Even just excusing yourself to the bathroom to close your eyes for a moment to do this is a good strategy. I suggest a little breathwork technique to my clients called the 5-5-5 (inhale for a count of 5, hold your breath for 5 seconds, and exhale for a count of 5. Repeat for a minimum 3x).

5. Stay in the moment. This might be the most valuable tip. Can you really hear what the person you’re talking to is saying? Can you feel yourself getting hungry/full? How does everything smell? Taste? Notice the colors of the food, the decorations in the room….really experience everything and savor.

I’m cheering you on- you know I am ;)

This work is not easy, but you are so unbelievably worth it- you deserve to feel good in your body (even if you’re not at the "love" status yet with it).

And nobody else should have a say in dictating or derailing this.

Happy Thanksgiving love- I’m celebrating you and this powerful step forward you’re taking (even just doing 1 thing off of this list can make a major difference).

Would love to hear how this goes- send me a message back and let me know ;)

And if you're really ready to let go of the body talk for good, learn how to reduce your cravings, heal emotional eating and finally feel relaxed around food...

Let's talk more- I’m scheduling my food freedom breakthrough calls.

click this link to find a time that works for you

(do this- omg this is such an exciting first step towards one of the biggest transformations you might ever have)

Just a few spots open for these calls, so hurry and book your spot before they fill up ;)




5 Simple Life Hacks To Live Happier


My 5 Favorite Tips To Nourish Your Body This Thanksgiving