4 Reasons Why Detoxing Is Harmful And How To Nourish Yourself Insetad
First things first, if you’re considering doing any of these things it’s likely because:
A. You think you “should”- based on feelings of guilt, shame, negative self-talk, comparison, body image, etc. (perpetuated by the diet culture we live in).
B. You feel a biological response- as in your body is saying “I’m tired of eating cake”.
Before diving into any of these “healthy eating reboots" you need to know what you’re getting yourself into and WHY…
It’s a natural biological response to not want a certain food after eating too much of it. I’d be willing to bet you’d have the same feeling if you ate broccoli every day for 2 weeks straight.
Here’s why doing things like resets & cleanses are actually harmful & not healthy:
1. Working against our body’s natural biology. Our bodies are detoxing on a cellular level every moment of the day regardless of what we feed them- they’re designed to “reset” on their own.
2. The nervous system is triggered. When we go against our biological needs & restrict food, we trigger our internal systems into a tremendous amount of physical, mental & emotional distress. In reality, your body is protecting you- it doesn't know the difference between intentional calorie restriction vs. an actual famine.
3. You become preoccupied with food + body thoughts. Patterns of food restriction (even in the name of health) create subconscious beliefs about our bodies + food choices, which often preoccupy our minds and lead to guilt, shame & comparison.
4. Bingeing is more likely. Often times, binge eating is a result of restriction that we're placing on our bodies. This restriction can be physical (not eating enough food), mental (telling yourself that you can't have certain foods or eat at certain times), or emotional (moralizing foods into categories of “good & bad”). And each of these restrictions often show up in healthy eating resets.
If you’ve ever experienced a period of eating super “clean” & feeling out of control around food later whether it’s a cheat day or “off track” situation this isn’t a lack of willpower. Overeating is a biological response to the restriction.
Some of the best ways that you can stop the restrict/binge cycle: ADDING IN food, eating consistently through the day & eating intuitively vs. following food rules.
If you’re frustrated by hearing this, believe me I've been there. It took me years to finally stop “resetting” & make peace with food. And choosing to do so isn’t a quick fix by any stretch.
I want you to LIVE YOUR LIFE WITHOUT FOOD + BODY OBSESSION. This is your human right. And as a badass woman with big dreams, just think about the creative, intelligent mental space these food thoughts are taking up.
If this is resonating with you & you’re ready to take action to heal your relationship with food + body FOR GOOD, click this link to apply for a confidential Body Trust Breakthrough Call.
Sending you love & courage for the week ahead!