4 Weight Loss Truths Diet Culture Doesn’t Tell Us About Diets

It may or may not come as a surprise that your desire to lose weight is not actually about the size or shape of your body… 

(time for a deep breath and a major dose of self-compassion).

The truth is, we've been indoctrinated into a culture (diet culture) that's taught us to believe that our body size = worthiness, success, happiness, health…you name it.

Here's what diet culture leaves out though:

  • 95% of intentional weight loss leads to the regain of the weight within a 5-year period.

  • Most of the weight regained will be more than the initial weight loss.

  • Each time you put your body through a period of restriction or intentional weight loss, the internal chemistry shifts.

  • This impacts your natural set point weight (the genetic weight range that your body maintains with ease when not restricted)- which means that the actual caloric needs that your body requires to function & maintain that range are lower, without taking into account your LIFE- eating and drinking in a pleasurable way that may be way beyond the newly reset biological needs of your body.

Each time you diet or restrict food for intentional weight loss, you're setting yourself up to actually gain more weight in the long run. Which not only harms your physical health, but the mental preoccupation & emotional discomfort can be even more challenging.

With all of my heart, I want to express that you are not alone.

The desire to be in a body size that our society has deemed acceptable, regardless of genetic makeup or individual preference, is a complex part of life to unpack. 

This is why I feel that it's deeply important that we create safe spaces to facilitate this type of evidence-based education, empathy & solutions for making peace with food and our bodies at every part of our journey. 

In my podcast conversation with Brynta Ponn, we explore this desire for weight loss and how to begin healing the war with our bodies, so that we can live more powerfully + authentically.

Brynta shares her own powerful body image story + expert advice and tools for embracing body changes within relationships, social media & everyday life. 

Her truth is so incredibly powerful- one that I could certainly relate to. I have a feeling that you will too…

I hope you feel seen + supported when listening- you're here with us.

P.S. If you’re looking for even more empowering resources to jumpstart your healing journey, be sure to grab my free Body Acceptance Starter Kit.


A Part Of Me Didn’t Want To Stop Binge Eating. Here’s Why.


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