How To Redefine Your Self-Care Practice & Boost Confidence


If you're over the reductive self-care narrative that social media has been peddling for the past 5+ years, your intuition is spot on.

Self-care doesn't start in a bubble bath (although that sure does feel good…I dream of the day where we own a tub that's tall enough to cover my ta-ta's…I swear I'm gonna take all of my meetings from that tub!!).

Self-care isn't a $10 latte or a trip to the spa or whatever kind of “treat yo-self” narrative you have in your mind.

I know that you KNOW this logically. But we all get caught up in comparison & “should's”, so I'm simply here to drop a reminder:

REAL self-care is built into the natural rhythm of our lives.

It's the boundaries we hold.

The ways we communicate.

Talking back to our inner critic with fierce self-compassion.

Meeting our unique needs in realistic, sustainable ways.

Self-care is letting go of perfectionism + people-pleasing and showing up for ourselves unapologetically.

Can you just imagine the next generation of women we'll raise if we lead with THIS type of radical, empowered self-care?

It starts with you. It starts with me.

Time to stop apologizing or worrying about what everyone else will “think” (not your responsibility) and take REAL care of yourself.

If you’re ready for actionable tools to level up your radical self-care practice, be sure to download a free copy of the Body Acceptance Starter Kit. This is packed with resources to help you along your journey toward feeling more comfortable in your skin from the inside out. Enjoy!


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